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Solar Maintenance Programs
When you purchased or leased your solar system you received a manufacturer’s limited warranty for both your panels and your inverters. Typically, the panels are warrantied for (25) years and the inverters for (15) years. In addition, your installer has a (5) year obligation by edict of the Board of Public Utilities to service any problems you may encounter. This rarely happens and in fact, many installers have since gone out of business.
To protect consumers and their solar investment, Solar Guardians USA offers both a Maintenance Assurance Program for newer installations and an Extended Maintenance Program for installations over (5) years old.

Solar Guardians Maintenance Assurance Program
When you purchased or leased your solar investment you were given assurances that your installer would service any problems for the next (5) years. As a matter of fact, the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) requires that. However, three things can happen:
1) Your installer remains in business and responds to your service needs (obviously the best case).
2) Your installer remains in business, but does not respond to your service needs timely or at all. The truth of the matter is that once your contractor has completed the initial installation (which is where he makes all his money), it can be very difficult to get him to return for a service call or an annual preventative maintenance checkup (where he makes no money). He is busy doing another new installation. He doesn’t have time to deal with bothersome service calls or maintenance.
3) Your installer is out of business.
Unfortunately, number (2) and number (3) happen in 75% of the cases. Many installers are stretching the (5) year guarantee to (10) or even (20) years but when you call… THEY ARE OUT OF BUSINESS! You are making lease payments and not getting the production you were promised from your system. Worse, you bought the system and you are not getting the production or the SREC incentives!
Solar Guardians offers a Maintenance Assurance Program that backs up your contractor’s guarantee. We will come to your site and inspect the contractor’s workmanship. If the installation was done properly, we will issue a Maintenance Assurance Guarantee where we will do all service work and deal with the manufacturers for any required warrantied replacement equipment. Service work is all we do. In addition, we will perform an annual inspection of your system, make any necessary adjustments and provide you with a detailed report of our findings. We do not do new installations, so we will pick up the phone and we will be onsite usually within 48 hours.
Solar Guardians Maintenance Assurance Program

Solar Guardians Extended Maintenance Program
If your solar installer has gone out of business or you are past the (5) year service guarantee from your installer, you should consider Solar Guardians Extended Maintenance Program. Depending on the age, equipment used, the size and the condition of your solar array, Solar Guardians will issue an Extended Maintenance Program to continue to protect your investment.
After an onsite inspection, Solar Guardians may issue a (3), (5), (10), or even a (20) year maintenance guarantee.
You should have been performing an annual check-up on your solar investment. However, maybe you got lucky and you have had no problems or service requirements for the first (5) years. This is a perfect time for you to have Solar Guardians assess your solar system and issue an Extended Maintenance Guarantee.
Solar Guardians Extended Maintenance Program

Solar Guardians Maintenance Assurance Program for Installers
As a solar installer, you are required by the Board of Public Utilities to provide service and warranty work for your customers for a period of (5) years in New Jersey at no charge. It is part of your obligation when you sold the project up front. Unfortunately, you make no money doing this service work and you lose valuable time where you could be doing additional sales and installs. Ultimately your customer and your business reputation suffer because the customer lost valuable production and you were slow in your response to their needs.
Why not let Solar Guardians do your service work for you? Solar Guardians will do “one off” service calls for reputable installers but better yet, why not include our Solar Guardians Maintenance Assurance Program in your initial sale? We will take care of any service work on all your installations, so you won’t have to. Think of the additional confidence it will add to your customer sale. Now there is an supplementary layer of protection and it is built right into your sales price! Call Solar Guardians USA today to find out how our Maintenance Assurance Program can free your time and put money in your pocket.
Solar Guardians Maintenance Assurance Programs for Installers

Solar Guardians Repair, Service & Maintenance Work for Finance and Leasing Companies
As a finance or leasing company you depend on your installers to reply to customer service issues in a timely and professional manner.
We both know the number of installers that have gone out of business over the last (10) years and it’s a lot. The customer has a service issue, so he calls his installer but there is no answer or they get the run around. His next call is to his finance or lease company. If his system is not working and he has no one to call to repair it, his natural reaction is to stop making his payments. If the customer owns the system and finances it that is one thing, but if he leases it that is even worse! You as the leasing company own the system and should be receiving the financial incentives involved with the project. Not only are you not getting your payment, but you are not getting your incentives either. Your whole cash flow model is down, and the customer is yelling at you!
Solar Guardians USA has many relationships with various finance and lease companies to do their repair, service & maintenance work and we would love to include you.
Solar Guardians Repair, Service & Maintenance Work for Finance and Leasing Companies
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